Today is a day when all of America comes together to Make an Impact, and we're trying to hit our Impact Goal of $10,000! You still have a chance to give — and we're wrapping this up with a quick list of what a donation from you would mean for Families across the state and abroad.
$50 - Can bring fresh fruits and vegetables to 250 children. - Give Now >
$100 - Can help feed 125 families. - Give Now >
$200 - Will provide 1,000 Hungry Children with a meal. - Give Now >
$500 - Can help feed 20 families' of four for 1 month. - Give Now >
$1,000 - Will feed 5,000 hungry children. - Give Now >
Our funding is on the line this Giving Tuesday. Every dollar donated will be matched up to $100,000 by our network of Organizations. Help drive urgently needed breakthroughs forward faster. As we all work to combat the spread of COVID-19, precious resources that can help families and businesses are crucial. Cancer Prevention Research Fund is asking on American's to get involved, and support our important work to keep our communities healthy and safe. We're all in this together!
One hundred percent of the donations are used by the Program in disaster relief programs, distributing and transporting of needed assistance.
The employees who work directly in the food rescue program are paid by the Program’s budget.
The additional money should enable us to rescue more produce.
Cancer Prevention Research Fund is a non-profit 501(c)3 public charity (tax ID# 27-3294092).